Find out more below about how you could be in with a chance to win 2 tickets, travel and accommodation to attend the amazing All Energy event in Glasgow on the 10-1th May 2023.

Terms and conditions:
1. There is no financial exchange for this prize.
2. Participants must be able to travel to Glasgow and attend the event for the duration, 10-11th of May 2023.
3. The travel costs must take into consideration the most affordable routes and methods of travel.
4. Accommodation will be booked by Youth Scotland and in accordance with our Safeguarding policy.
5. If you cannot attend, we ask that you give us as much notice as possible to offer the opportunity to another participant and to cancel the travel and accommodation costs.
6. Transfer of this prize will not be accepted.
7. All Energy event tickets are free. There is no monetary value to this admission. All Energy does not have any affiliation with Youth Scotland or the Young Islanders Network.
8. Participants will be asked to provide a blog or brief account of their experience following on from the event.
9. Participants must arrange their own travel insurance. If using their own car to travel, Youth Scotland take no responsibility to any damage or loss to the vehicle or its contents.
10. It would be expected that the successful participants do not consume alcohol or drugs during this event or trip.
11. Successful participants would be expected to behave responsibly and respectfully at all times.
12. Meals and refreshments are not included.
13. The competition will be judged by a panel made up of representatives from organisations out with Youth Scotland.
14. The winner and their guest will be met and accompanied by a Youth Scotland staff member, who will provide support during attendance.
15. Both winner and their guest must attend the two days of the event.
16. Entries must be in by midnight on Friday the 24th March 2023. The winner will be announced by Friday the 31st of March 2023. Winner will be notified by email.