Welcome to the home of the Young Islanders Network
Welcome to the home of the Young Islanders Network
We are a network of groups working in our local communities, and together, to get the voices of young islanders heard in Government and beyond.
What’s new?

About us
What is the Young Islander’s Network? How did we get started? Where are we going?
Our projects
We run lots of projects and events for young islanders across the Scottish islands.

Latest news
YIN kicks off 2025 talking Housing with decision makers
It is still early doors, however, 2025 looks like another busy year for the Network given the response, so far, to the Young Islanders Network Housing Challenge report which was published in December 2024. When the report (https://yin.scot/you-had-your-say-read-the-yin-housing-challenge-report-here/) was published in December 2024, we shared it with local authorities, health boards, housing associations, Scottish government…
Keeping Ulva connected: A ferry important family!
We hear from Matilda whose family have run the Ulva ferry service for over 30 years! My name’s Matilda, I’m 14 and I live with my brother and my parents on the Isle of Ulva. Ulva is a small island near Mull and I’ve lived here all my life. For most of my life there…
You had your say! Read the YIN Housing Challenge Report here
Since 2022 young people from across the islands have told us what is important to them in their island community; the top two recurring issues were Transport and Housing. Read our report to find out more on Housing in the islands from the young people’s perspective. The Young Islanders Network created a challenge, inviting young…
Skye’s the limit!
Young Islanders from Shetland, Lewis, Barra, Tiree and Arran gathered in the beautiful surroundings of Portree, Isle of Skye from the 1st to 4th of November. A long awaited Young Islanders Network residential weekend offered a fantastic group of people from the ages of 12 to 25 years old, from across the islands to get…
Young Islanders at Big Ideas 2024!
On Saturday 24th August, Young Islanders from Shetland, Orkney, Tiree and Lewis attended Youth Scotland’s 2024 Big Ideas Weekend where we also celebrated Youth Scotland’s 90th birthday! Big Ideas weekend 2024 During the last weekend in August, over 220 young people and youth workers came together for the biggest weekend in youth work, meeting friends…
Guess Who’s Back…? (At HebCelt Festival 2024)
(…No, it’s not Slim Shady!) It’s the Young Islanders OUR FANTASTIC CONTENT CREATORS Following on from HebCelt 2023, we were delighted that Sophie returned as a YIN Content creator team leader in 2024 (https://yin.scot/young-islanders-get-involved-at-hebcelt-2023/) Sophie joined us in 2023 as a Content Creator for HebCelt. This year she returned taking on more of a leadership…
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When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it, or it’s been deleted.0 CommentsComment on Facebook
Arran Housing Taskforce is looking for people to share their views as part of the effort to help shape housing provision on the island.
A survey will open today, Monday 27 January which will ask questions about current housing provision on the island as well as future aspirations.
It is hoped that home owners and tenants, landlords, second home owners and anyone living and working on the island – and even those considering moving to Arran – will take a few minutes to complete the survey.
Councillor Alan Hill, Cabinet Member for Communities and Islands and also chair of the housing taskforce, said it was important that as many people as possible complete the survey to ensure we have a true reflection of demand which will help determine what housing is required on the island in the years ahead.
He added: “The purpose of the survey is to give us a comprehensive and clear picture of the current and future housing needs.
“We want to know residents’ thoughts on affordable housing on the island, what their current housing situation is, and their housing aspirations."
Arran Youth Foundations Arran Eco Savvy … See MoreSee Less
Arran Housing Survey has launched
Arran Housing Taskforce is looking for people to share their views via an online survey as part of efforts to help shape housing provision on the island.0 CommentsComment on Facebook
🧡Do you know a young islander aged 5 to 25 who is inspirational!
💙Now is your chance to Nominate them via the link below:
⏳ The deadline for submissions is the 1st of March 2025! … See MoreSee Less
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YIN members have created this survey following discussions on some concerns which they had, particularly with ferry crossings which require overnight stays such as the Shetland – Mainland link.
They have created this survey to gauge the experiences of other young islanders and to find out whether others have also been impacted by the behaviour of others during crossings.
The purpose of the survey is to ask any young islanders up to the age of 25 to share their views on the matter, keeping an open mind as there may be other considerations around how safe young people feel while travelling, which could be highlighted with the relevant bodies if necessary.
forms.office.com/e/iYQqsTghaW … See MoreSee Less
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The first YIN Newsletter of 2025 is live and busy! To have a look, open the link below or email: YIN@youthscotland.org.uk for a pdf copy.
Lots of news!
🟠Updates on the Housing report
🟢New YIN Reps vacancy – Culture, Heritage and Language
🔵Nominate your Inspirational Young Islander
📣 Have your say on Community Wealth Building and the National Islands Plan!
@followers@top fans … See MoreSee Less
YIN Newsletter January 2025
First newsletter of 2025!0 CommentsComment on Facebook
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