Young Islander Anna tells us about her residential experience

Meeting other young people was a great opportunity to see who shares the same worries and problems about the islands. It was nice to find out more about other Scottish islands and what is there to do and what life is like for other young people.
“I hope the Young Islanders will grow and more caring and passionate people will join. I hope I will be able to go to another residential and meet more people.”
Anna, 14

In Barra we are hoping to present a PowerPoint to the primary pupils about sustainability and we hope to get their opinions and to get them more involved in making changes in Barra. We hope to meet up with people involved in the Carbon Neutral Project and help raise awareness of climate change and coastal erosion and also have a say in how we think the island can become net zero.
I would really recommend other young people from the islands to get involved because it is a great way to get our voices heard and to meet other young people.