It is still early doors, however, 2025 looks like another busy year for the Network given the response, so far, to the Young Islanders Network Housing Challenge report which was published in December 2024.
When the report ( was published in December 2024, we shared it with local authorities, health boards, housing associations, Scottish government ministers and our communities. There was also the exciting opportunity to present the report at the Cross Party Group meeting on Islands (Housing) thanks to the invitation from the Scottish Islands Federation and Scottish Rural Action. This meeting provided a space for the young Islanders Network to share the report with ministers from different parties in Scottish Government, which included the Minister for Housing, Paul Maclennan.

Mr Maclennan responded to the concerns in the report, and gave details on the existing measures in place to look at housing and population in the Scottish Islands. This was followed up by the below letter, which details this discussion, and we look forward to meeting with his team in the near future:

Dr Alasdair Allan, MSP for the Western Isles, extended and invitation to meet with the Young Islanders Network on 10th January. We had young people both from within and outwith the Western Isles attending and we presented a snapshot of the YIN housing report with data extracted from the Western Isles responses.

Minister Allan took the time to respond to some of the key points around second homes and holiday lets and the impact these have on communities in the islands when the balance is disproportionate. We also discussed transport connectivity and the impact this has on opportunities and accessibility for rural island communities.
Alasdair Allan also spoke about job types being an important factor in the housing discussion, ensuring that the right jobs are there for young people who want to live in their island communities. Young people in the call spoke about their challenges with seasonal jobs and pay. We had discussions around crofting and land ownership and being able to build a house. It will be interesting to find out more about the crofting bill reforms which are in the pipeline and how these may impact young islanders and their future. Mr Allan encouraged members of the YIN to keep in touch with him and to bring to him anything they would like him to raise or respond to.

In the YIN Housing report, there were a number of mentions of “HHP” which refers to the Hebridean Housing Partnership. HHP are the local provider of social housing for the Western Isles and more information about them can be found here:
We were invited to meet with the HHP Board and senior leadership team on Tuesday 14 January. It was an interesting meeting and was a great opportunity to hear more about how HHP operate and how they make their decisions. Those in attendance were able to take part in interactive scenarios and polls which was helpful in understanding systems such as the housing allocation points and also to better understand the new build projects.
The Young Islanders Network would like to thank the Hebridean Housing Partnership board and executive leadership team for the opportunity to meet and to discuss the contents of the Young Islanders Network Housing Challenge Report 2024.
There were 44 out of the 223 responses in the report from the Western Isles and concerns raised by participants were acknowledged and responded during this meeting. We hope to continue to engage with HHP and to support ongoing opportunities for young people from the islands to be included in decisions that impact their future and choices.

One YIN member in attendance at the meeting said:
“I feel happy that HHP took the time to actually read our Housing Challenge Report and the way they had made there slides for the meeting last night to incorporate some of the things that YIN had in the Housing Report. I did find it interesting or maybe concerning how when it comes to building 8 houses that the pre-construction takes longer than the construction itself”.
HHP Chair, Gordon Macleod said:
“We enjoyed the opportunity to meet with representatives of the YIN. It was great to hear directly from the young people, what their concerns and views on housing are, and we will use what we have learned as we shape our Business Plan. We trust, this will be the beginning of a mutually beneficial partnership with the YIN.”
As we highlighted in the report, this is the beginning of the discussion and is presenting fantastic opportunties for the young people of the islands in Scotland to be heard and help to make a meaningful contribution to the decisions being made now and for their future.
We thank all the young people who have been giving up their time, at times getting out of their comfort zones and speaking up on these matters which are so important to them. We invite all young people from the islands from the ages of 5-25 years old to have your say!
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