Animate the YIN compass!

A photo of an ipad with a graphic on it that says "Animation Challenge"
A photo of an ipad with a graphic on it that says "Animation Challenge"

Using the Young Islanders Network compass as a starting point, we want you to create an animation.

Your animations will help bring the website to life and explore the many different directions it will go.

We recommend using Flipaclip. It is a mobile app that creates animated movies and GIFs using frame by frame animation.

It is used by millions of people around the world because it’s just like a flipbook!

Get started

Step 1 is to download Flipaclip from the App store (Apple) or Google Play (Android).

Step 2 save this picture of the compass and add it to your photos

Step 3 is right here 👇

Flipaclip introduction (cc)

What direction will you take?
What will you transform the compass into?

When you are happy, send your animation to Jack!

If you are working with a group or like to work on paper, you can download a worksheet here.

