
  • Young Islanders’ Challenge

    Young Islanders’ Challenge

    In 2021 Young islanders took part in the pilot project: The Young Islanders Challenge. Working in partnership with the Scottish Government and the National Islands Plan, Youth Scotland’s Young Islanders Challenge was created to represent the views and opinions of young people living and growing up in Scotland’s island communities.  This laid the foundations for…

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  • Seanchas – The Year of Stories 2022 at An Lanntair

    Seanchas – The Year of Stories 2022 at An Lanntair

    We will be working with young people across Lewis and Harris over the Summer through Story Telling sessions led by An Lanntair. We hope to showcase local talents through stories on our website and we also hope to inspire young islanders to look more closely at their own communities and the origins of things they…

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  • Climate Change: Message in a Bottle

    Climate Change: Message in a Bottle

    Climate Change Message in a Bottle is gathering stories and artwork created by young islanders around Scotland representing their hopes for a climate friendly, carbon neutral future on their islands. Take a look below to read their stories and find out more about the project, which is based at Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and…

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  • Our Island Stories

    Our Island Stories

    Our Island Stories was the first young islanders film festival for young people aged 12 – 25 years living in the Scottish islands. It was run in conjunction with Screen Argyll. It covered a whole range of issues! Our Island Stories: Industry Session Participants also had the chance to take part in an industry session with…

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  • Animate the YIN compass!

    Animate the YIN compass!

    Using the Young Islanders Network compass as a starting point, we want you to create an animation. Your animations will help bring the yin.scot website to life and explore the many different directions it will go. We recommend using Flipaclip. It is a mobile app that creates animated movies and GIFs using frame by frame…

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  • Map your world

    Map your world

    We want to see your maps of your island and your community. Maps can be useful. Maps can be fun. They can show routes and important places. They can help you to navigate to where you want to be and places you would love to see. We want to see your world from above. A…

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