- My Sustainable Island – pupil at Sound Primary School
When I woke up on a nice sunny morning my rooster was right up and my hens started to cluck and that’s why I woke up.
I live in Shetland. We’re a nice eco friendly place so we reuse a lot of things like plastic and cardboard.
My job is to be a farmer and gardener. I have to look after animals and plants. Plants can give you oxygen which is really good and animals are important too. If we didn’t have cows, where will we get milk? That’s why.
And the sunny morning I woke up on had a cool feeling of the breeze like a sort of slow wind.
After I had by breakfast which is toast. Then I went to work. I would of went on my bike but my back break needs a change so I jogged over. It is a way to get fit and in to shape.
My job is climate friendly because I am a Gardener on Tuesday and Farmer on Friday Saturday because I usually work as a gardener a lot but some how I got fired. My boss didn’t like where I planted my trees.
My island was powered by electricity and that’s a good thing. Our cars are also hybrid. I love it in Shetland!
After work I came back to the house and I just remember all the eco-friendly things I had like the recycling bin, compost bin, reuseable plastic cardboard and flowers, trees, burds chirping. Lots of eco everywhere.
As a community we look after our island environment by putting seed into the ground and water them. Trees are the same but tree we need it. Look after trees because forest fires and bad. They could take down a whole forest so we want trees and climate friendly!
You can get eco jobs like farmers and gardeners. Nothing wrong with that and plastic is NOT GOOD for the OCEAN so don’t buy too much.
- My Sustainable Island – pupil at Sound Primary School
When I woke up I rush to my window to catch that beautiful, warm and glistening summers morning sunrise. After that I go and pop on my grey fluffy slippers and my robe. Then I go down the stairs and make my breakfast. I decided to have some pancakes made with Shetland’s fine eggs from the hens in my garden. I had it with a strawberry and raspberry smoothie made with fruit from my polytunnel and I eat it with my kitten Kaisey and my hamster Summer. After my breakfast I feed them. Kaisey gets a nice portion of milk and her lam flavour of cat food. On the other hand, summer gets water and lettuce from my garden. After I feed my pets I go up to my bedroom and have a nice hot shower. Today I decided to wear a lovely cosy knitted jumper by my granny and paired it with some black joggers and black ankle boots. Then I go in my electric car. The reason I drive an electric car is because it is good for the environment. If I had a normal car I would be making the earth a lot hotter and I want the earth to be happy. Then I go to work and I own a flower shop across the street and my shop is very popular amongst all the gardeers. I grow orchids, roses, bluebells, sunflowers and everything under the sun. My VIP customer is my granny, my sister Kala and my mum Miranda. My granny usually takes sunflowers my sister takes roses and my mum takes orchids. Today I had a meeting with some of the other gardeners out on my street. There was Dixey’s Daffodils, Roamas Garden, Pixey’s Petunias, and M and M’s and Shetlands goods. After the meeting I love seeing the wind turbines that is what our land is powered by. I love how they just blow you away. My grandad works as a windmiller so I can go and visit any time I want. Then of course I need some tea and on a Sunday I have roast lamb while I watch some eco-friendly awards. After that I go and have some coffee and grab a hot water bottle and have a good night sleep ready for the next magical morning.
- Living in a Brighter World – pupil at Sound Primary School
It was 30/3/2030 and I woke up on a crisp blue morning in the Ness in Shetland. So I went out side to feel a lovely summer breeze on my face. I grabbed some raspberry’s from my garden and made some toast from flower fresh out of my wheat fields. I had some of my toast with butter from my dairy cows. Because it was the summer I got on my sparkling clean bike and cycled down the dirt road and started to sell my fruit an veg and cycled back to my house. On the way I saw a wind farm in the distance. When I got home I got on my mask and climbed into my old attic and stuffed more insulation in. I had to put on new clothes for work. At work I am a robotic engineer so I build robots that help the environment. I got on my bike and cycle to work. When I got home I got my tea. For tea I had beef from my cows and chips from my tatty field. I made some more cushions for my couch out of feathers form my chickens and wool from my sheep. A while later I made bacon and eggs for my supper. After that I fell asleep on my new warm cushions.
- A Better World – pupil at Sound Primary School
One day I woke up on a crisp Shetland morning. I looked out my window. I saw the big shiny sun. Just down the street I own a shop called Coop. My family help run the shop. It had just been New Year. It’s 2040.
I get to work by bike. I get all my food from a farmer. My house is powered by solar panels. I only eat meat on a Friday. All the other days I eat vegan salad. They’re also building a big windfarm. My house is a nice little cottage. It has a nice lit fire. The government is deciding they should stop drilling oil out. There is going to be a big meeting called COP34. I hope they will come to a decision, they would stop hurting the environment.
- A Climate Friendly Day – pupil at Sound Primary School
When I wake up I see a gorgeous orange red sky with huge wind mills in the amazing Shetland hills. I go to my kitchen and get some eggs from my hens. Then I get some of my bread. Now I can have my bread with scrambled egg.
I get to work by riding in my electric car that’s shiny white with big windows. When I open the window for my dog his hair is like a tall strip of grass. I could hear a lot of wildlife. Birds singing and my dog was howling.
My job is climate friendly because I have saved a lot of animals lives. I have saved a bird, a fox, a turtle, a cat, a dog and a fish. There is a wind farm right next to me they are humongous. I had to save a fish, a cat, and a seal that was wrapped around in rope today.
My island is powered by huge shiny white and yellow windmills. Our island is also powered by solar panels scattered around the hills. I have some sparkly blue and grey solar panels on my house on both sides and my work.
After work I go home. My house is climate friendly because I have a vegetable patch where I grow my vegetables and I plant my apple trees in the corner of my garden. My greenhouse is connected to my house that’s where I plant flowers and plant some vegetables. At the top of my house I have shiny blue and grey solar panels that help my plants grow.
As a community, we look after our island environment by every 5 times a week we do beach clean-ups. There is loads of plastic but we clean most that we can for 5 and a half hours 1 til 18:30. When I don’t need it any more I give it to a charity shop like old clothes, old bikes and scooters. In my spare time I plant trees. So far I planted 204 trees. My goal is 605. I also removed 598 pounds of trash.

- A Climate Friendly Day – pupil at Sound Primary School
When I wake up I see my polytunnel with delicious strawberries, tomatoes, apples, pears, and berries. I love making a smoothie and a fruit salad for my breakfast. It all tastes better when I grow it.
When I go to work I walk because I live very close to my shop. I sell cakes, tatties, fish and sometimes sweeties.
My job is climate friendly because I grow and make everything on my own. But I have people who help me sell things.
My island is powered by wind farms out on the land. It is less money. The Government and shops have lowered the money for solar panels on your roof instead.
After work I go home to my house which is climate friendly because I have solar panels and big windows. I have sheep and I use the wool for jumpers and hats. I have a poly tunnel where I grow my fruits and vegetables.
As a community we look after our environment by cleaning the beaches and other places like Michael’s wood, school play parks and play parks out of school. We have convinced a lot of people to help our environment.
I think it is important to look after our environment because lots of animals are going extinct in different countries.

- Eco life in the future – pupil at Sound Primary School
I woke up today nice and rested. I was feeling a little thirsty so I went to my cow farm and I milked some cows, I milked one of my beautiful, amazing cows that gave me five glasses of milk which means that I can have some tomorrow. My cows are called Ella, Ally and Gabby. Ella is very pretty, Ally is very nice and Gabby is very lazy. So I went to my Chicken farm and they had some eggs for me so I picked them up and had some cereal and boiled eggs.
I nearly jumped out of my newly knitted socks which I had made myself when my alarm clock ringed to eight minutes to eight. Gosh! My work started at 9! So I hopped on my shining new purple skateboard and flew off at the speed of light. The good thing was I was very near my work now. “Why!” I said to myself, ” Is there litter out here! There is plenty of bins!”. So I picked up the rubbish and placed it in the bins. “Oh no its one minute to nine!” I said out loud. Finally I went off to my school where I teach others to be eco friendly.
When I got home from work I went to check on my solar panels, they were out in my garden so they could attract power. So when I saw that they were okay I went back in my house to check that my heating was okay . My heating is powered by windmills. I really enjoy my eco friendly life so one day after countless hours I finally wrote my own book for advice for the non eco friendly people, and that is what you have just finished reading.
- Eco Friendly Future – pupil at Sound Primary School
One exciting day on a beautiful farm the sun rising beyond the hills and clouds as white as snow. There are wind mills all around the house and no smoke could be seen. My house is powered by solar power and the wind is fresh as a fan. Then after my work I go to my home it is very cosy because in my blue turquoise wall there is very itchy fluff called insulation that makes my house cosy.
In the afternoon for lunch I have my special egg sandwich I got the eggs from my handsome young chickens. After the amazing egg sandwich I went on a beautiful walk on a stony path. It was an excellent walk after I went on my rope swing. Then it was tea time I had milk from the large cow and a another amazing egg sandwich then I closed my sleepy eyes and had an fantastic dream it could not have been better. I was floating in space staring at a dazzling shooting star and wishing to have a better tomorrow.
- My Eco-friendly Word – pupil at Sound Primary School
My island is Shetland and in this story my name is Julia Henderson.
In the morning I wake up to the chilly but beautiful sun outside. I get up and make myself a sustainable breakfast with locally sourced food with strawberries and raspberries from my polytunnel. Yummy.
After I eat I go to work in my electric car or I walk. When I am an adult I want to be a teacher and teach not just about maths and spelling but about the dangers of climate change and how to be eco-friendly!
When I go home I make sure that I do everything I can to make sure that the planet is safe by using lots of insulation to keep me warm in the winder and recycle, eat locally sourced food, don’t dump old things if it is not broken so thinks like books, clothes and toys.
My island is eco-friendly because we are powered by wind, solar and that new energy that I can’t remember what its called. We don’t import everything, don’t litter and eat locally.
So I hope everybody in the future has a life like this!
- Story by pupil at Sound Primary School
When I woke up I looked out the window and I saw the beautiful sunny day. The sun was shining on the colourful flowers. Then I went outside to get the eggs from the hens and the strawberries from my polytunnel it was delicious.
It was time to go to work so I grabbed my basket of fruit and veg from my garden then I walked to work. I worked as a farmer and I give my props to the farmer shop. It was a nice breeze when I got to work. I washed the fruit and veg and wrapped them in reusable bags to help save the planet! I gave the food to the shop workers then I milked the cows and gave that to them as well.
Then I walk to the beach to clean it. There was not a lot of rubbish because I clean it everyday. Then I go home to my climate friendly house because I have solar panels when I go home my house is always nice and cozy and warm.
I was time for dinner. I had lettuce I picked from my garden and I picked some carrots as well. I cut the veg into little pieces it was so yummy. After dinner I washed my dishes and I started to get ready for bed.
At bedtime I brushed my teeth with a bamboo toothbrush. After I didn’t shut my curtains I left them open so I can see the glittery bright stars.
- An Eco-friendly future – pupil at Sound Primary School
It was a wonderful crisp Shetland morning. I got out of bed, I took a deep breath and boiled some eggs from my chickens. I opened my window and said hello to the neighbours. I then picked some apples fresh from the garden.
When it was time to go to work I hopped in my electric car and drove to work. I work at a shop in the street. I stock up the shelves with fresh fruit and veg from my garden. We are very lucky because Shetland is powered by solar panels and windmills.
When I get home from work, I open the door and see my warm, cosy house. I have my house insulated so I don’t use as much energy to heat my home. I try to make sure that my house is climate friendly by growing my own veg.
- Future forests – pupil at Sound Primary School
It was the middle of March; tulips down at the meadow were blossoming. The sun was shining a bright lemon yellow, all of the trees were stern not a single movement to be seen. All of the lambs were coming out to play in the fields, following the slow breeze of the wind. All of the hibernating sleeping animals were awakening. Down the stream there will be a mossy bridge you will find, made out of wood of the trees from behind.
The forest was a calm, peaceful area where all sorts of creatures made home. All creatures big: to the biggest of bears, or creatures so small, to the smallest of hears. But all animals vowed peace amongst the land, so here stands, the home to all creatures ‘Watermand.’
Now if you follow the stream, through the field, along the bridge, around the bend you shall seek an old oak tree where three rabbits’ made home.
“Off to work! Oh Hops, Burn breakfast is on the table!” yelled Barnaby the rabbit. Barnaby is a father to Hops and Burn, he works in town selling his crops for a pound. He made his own stall from twigs and a yellow cotton top.
So off Mr Barnaby hopped to his small farm on the edge of town. Where no animal ever went too close to, as it was, the edge of town. The animals kept their distance from the edge of town as to close you would be in human land. No one dares to go near human land they only want more of everything, they are power hungry beasts.
But whilst the humans land is growing, our land is falling. The humans cut down our trees, cut down our lives work, end our lives, they take us away to white rooms with humans wearing masks. Deadly dust falls from the new homes they build and floats down to us ruining our homes. They act as if we are just garden gnomes. Plainly decoration the humans say, they act as if we can find a replacement for our live worked homes. Their litter is filling up our stream, we are worried that when we drink we might get ill.
There was a huge gush of wind shooting small Barnaby into a spikey hedgehog. “My apologise madam, may I ask what are you doing so far down the forest?” Barnaby questioned.
“Oh well I have been asked to inspect the trash, we are working on hiring beavers to build a dam to put a stop to all this pollution! I heard that some of Percy Possum’s children are sick from the stream,” grumbled the hedgehog writing on her clipboard. “They were covered in red spots, I tell you covered!” the hedgehog said while tutting looking down at the stream.
“Well I mustn’t bother you that is a serious matter. Cheerio Mrs Hedgehog see you around!” Barnaby waved. Then turned around pleasantly, he was so pleased that there was work to be done to stop the litter. Barnaby began hopping along cheerfully along the muddy brick path, then across the mossy slippery bridge to town square. Below an old birch tree with ‘E.J.W’ carved along the bark was his stall.
“Selling crops for a pound, Crops for a pound!” Barnaby yelled at the top of his lungs marketing his food. It was a Friday afternoon the town square is always busy and loud. A tall fox came by asking for carrots, he was twice the size of the stall. Then a family of ducks came by asking for food then a bear, then a hare, which then came a snail with loads of care. Barnaby closed his shop when it turned dark.
All of the owls, and creatures of night were out, most of the night creatures bug and shout at the small creatures of the day. Mr Barnaby ignored the calls of the owls, the squeaks of the mice and walked home to his small burrow below the old oak tree.
“I’m home! How was your day?” Mr Barnaby asked, Hops rushed forward.
“Barn is sick, we were only drinking the water from the stream!” Hops exclaimed.
“Well where is he? I’ll make him some carrot soup, I’ll use the carrots from my farm,” Barnaby replied swiftly. Hops lead Mr Barnaby to Barn, he was lying in his small cosy bed, and he was covered in red raspberry spots. Just like Percy Possum’s children…
“Hey, Barns, are you alright I can fetch you some carrots. I’ll make you carrot soup!” Barnaby suggested. Barn did a slow nod, he looked like he was in pain, so Mr Barnaby didn’t slow down. He rushed to his small farm at the edge of town, following the stream full of litter from the humans, then across a small log. He bent over and collected his finest carrots. Not noticing what was in front of him…
As Barnaby finished picking up the carrots he slowly looked up to see this red light as red as the freshest strawberry, it swapped to an orange colour just like the carrots he had in hand. Now yellow like the sun, Barnaby backed up tripping, he was in shock. He rushed to the town bell, ringing it over, and over again, without hesitance.
“FIRE, EVERYONE WAKE UP FIRE!” Mr Barnaby yelled.
“Who, are you, why are you yelling?” Said an owl, “No questions please just go to Callum the Cockerel, tell him to make his call, I’m much too small!” Barnaby yelled. The owl understood his mission he rushed without a doubt, through the branches, over the trees, over the hills. All the way to Callum’s home. He hooted and hooted till Callum woke up and made his call.
By now the whole town woke up to the loud noise, noticing the fire. They all fled to the fields disturbing the lambs. But Barnaby rushed to his child. He couldn’t let Burn die like what happened to his wife. Not now, his fate can’t be decided.
“Hops run, run, down to the fields. I will meet you there!” Mr Barnaby yelled whilst Hops fled away following her destiny.
“Come on Barns you’re not leaving now, not yet, I won’t let this happen!” Mr Barnaby yelled picking Burn up fleeing his home following the dark black stream full of mud, and trash. The fire only grew bigger consuming the trees. Consuming their lives, consuming their homes.
By now Hops made it to the field and was greeted by me. But Burn and Mr Barnaby were only walking on a thread to survive. Mr Barnaby threw Barns over the fence. He worked so hard making sure it wasn’t his children’s fait to die like their mother. But forgot himself. I hugged Hops and Barn tightly; as their father was getting consumed by the flames of death.
“It’s alright,” I whispered. By morning the humans settled down the fire, I brought Hops and Barn to the tree that Barnaby had his stall under, the tree that had the letters ‘e.j.w’ carved along it.
- Sandness 2040 – Ailsa, Sandness Primary School
In my garden I like to plant trees. I have a swimming pool. I have one kid. I have solar panels on my roof and it heats my swimming pool. I have a chicken coop. I have two apple trees. I have a vegetable garden that grows pineapples. My kid has got a swing to swing on. I’ll be 23.
- Shetland 2040 – Ashton, Sandness Primary School
I get out of bed in my solar powered house and get dressed. I go down the stairs and have an amazing breakfast. I get into my old electric car and go to work. I go to the shop I work at. I am saving up to become a lawyer. I start serving the customers with the till. I give them each a little paper bag to put their stuff in. At the end of the day I go home and go to bed.
- Sandness 2040 – Blake, Sandness Primary School
I have a treehouse. I am super super rich. I have an electric lambo. I have security cameras. The power comes from the sun.
- A Life In Shetland 2040 – Brydon, Sandness Primary School
I get up in my cosy little wooden house powered by homemade wind turbine. After I get out bed ☹. I get dressed, go to the kitchen and get breakfast which is bacon. Next I walk to my farm. Then I get my electric tractor started. Then I do some contracting. I go back to the farm and put my tractor back in the shed. After that I go home. I get some lamb for tea then I go to bed.
- Sandness 2040 – Connor, Sandness Primary School
I awake from my slumber in my sleeping gown. My windmills are grinding away at wheat so I can have my bread for breakfast. I get in cart and go to work. My job is an engineer, I fix carts not the horses pulling them. I used to be a palaeontologist but there is no dinosaur bones left in Sandness or Shetland. Not like there was any to begin with. I go home on my cart but an old lady is crossing the street.
“Move lady.”
“Ay what was that sorry I forgot my hearing aids.”
When the old lady crosses the dirt path I continue. I get home, I open the door, walk upstairs and put on my sleeping gown and go to sleep.
- Sandness 2040 – Drew, Sandness Primary School
I am super rich. I started an electric car company. I have security cameras. I have a hover car. My power comes from the sun.
- Sandness 2040 – Elsie, Sandness Primary School
“Ah what time is it? 7!”.
“Is breakfast ready?”
After a long morning chat, we finally got up and had breakfast. After, we would go to work and school. Blake was already at work doing worky stuff. Lisa was getting ready for school when DING DONG THE DOORBELL RANG. It is mail. It is also 8. Turn on the water turbines, wind turbines and it is also time to go to measly work and school. Let’s go on my computer.
“Bye Lisa.”
WIND. Crash clatter bang! DING DONG. “Uh the doorbell. Yes finally local shopping ok ok ok ok time to go to the shop”. So that is what I did. I got on my bike and cycled to the shop. When I was cycling to the shop I heard:
“It is finished.”
“Which one?”
“The one under the sea, AB27. Right let’s work…”
They walked into the distance so I did not hear the rest. I thought to myself, what is the AB27? I mean roads are like A27 which is like AB27. Wait, it must be a new tunnel under the sea. YES got it. A couple hours later, Lisa came home. DING DONG. “Uh not again.”
- Sandness 2040 – Helena, Sandness Primary School
In the morning, I get up in my warm house heated by wind power. Then I go eat my breakfast and get ready to walk or cycle to work. I work in Sandness so I don’t have to travel very far. After work, I go home and I have underfloor heating powered by wind. In my garden, I have a polycrub and I plant lots vegetables and fruits. My house is close to the school so my children can walk or cycle to school. When everything is finished, I go to my warm bed.
- Shetland in 2040 – Isla, Sandness Primary School
I wake up and it’s nice and warm thanks to my heat pump. I get a cup of tea, go outside onto my decking and look at the turbines spinning quickly in the morning breeze. Then I go get my child Lea out of bed, get her ready and set them off down the road to school. After a while, I get ready for work and go catch the next bus to my work. It was so full and one more seat right at the back for me!
Once we both are back from work and school we bake cookies, eat them, and head down the hill to the beach to pick up the litter as we do each month. We were there for an hour so when we got back we picked some tomatoes from the polycrub. I make the dinner and Lea does her homework. We eat our dinner, get ready for bed and watch a movie. Then she went to sleep and I read my book under the light of my lamp powered by solar panels.
I fell asleep wondering what tomorrow will bring.
- Sandness in 2040 – Jenna, Sandness Primary School
I get out of bed with my nice cosy warm room thanks to the heat pump. I go get a drink of tea with some toast and look out the window to see all the shiny wind turbines turning quickly. When I was finished I went through to my daughter Masie’s room to get her dressed as well as get her breakfast. Then me, Masie and the dog called Dixie all went down to the nursery to drop off Masie. I dropped off Dixie at my house then went to work at the vets.
After I finished work, I went down the road to pick up Masie from nursery. When we were walking up the road to our house I saw a lot of litter on the beach so we went and picked up as much as we could then went home to cook dinner. Then I remembered about the hens so I got a basket and went to the hen house which is made with our own wood. There were 4 eggs.
- Sandness 2040 – Karolina, Sandness Primary School
In my garden there are lots of oak trees. I have an electric car and I have a business from eggs. I plant lots of trees and I am going to buy a windmill. I grow vegetables and fruits in my polycrub and I have hens.
- Sandness 2040 – Konstancja, Sandness Primary School
I wake up in my warm house and I dress up and eat breakfast.
I have underfloor heating so it’s warm in my house and when I ate my breakfast I am staying in my house so my husband is going to his work and I am staying with my children.
At the end of the day I am going to my bed.
- Sandness 2040 – Marcel, Sandness Primary School
I am 24 years old.
- Shetland 2040 – Nikita, Sandness Primary School
Yawns. Wait, what it’s 7!!
“Am I home alone?”
No. Oh ok cool.
I went out of bed and I was really hot because of my wind turbine.
I went to get the eggs from the chickens.
“Come and get eggs.”
“Oh ok cool.” Yummy scrumptious.
“You child go get dressed.”
All right pheeshooshepiklemepoo.
“Go and ride your bike to school it is a lovely day.”
“Oh ok cool, bye.”
“Have a nice day.”
I will walk to the vet today or bike. I think walk.
One hour later, all done for today. I like the new tunnels to Lerwick.
I will go to Lerwick to go to Tesco before Timothy gets home.
So I go underground to get to Lerwick.
When I got home Timothy was back.
How was the ground said Timothy.
“Let’s go for a walk.”
“Noooo,” said Timothy.
“FOOD!” said Timothy.
“Ok after the walk.”
“Ok fine.”
- Sandness 2040 – Erin, Sandness Primary School
I wake up in my bed and get up. I have my breakfast toast. The toaster has a mini solar panel on it to power it. I get dressed and go to work. I get to work by walking to my office and start my eco-friendly job. My job is game designing. I like it because I have an eco-friendly computer. Then I have my tea. Next I go to bed. I get my food from my amazing poly tunnel.
- Sandness 2040 – Woody, Sandness Primary School
I wake up in my nice warm house. Its heating is generated by solar panels covering the roof. I get out of bed and walk to the stairs. All I need to do is put my foot on the top stair making the stairs turn into a wooden slide.
After sliding down I hungrily eat my breakfast of goat meat and goat milk.
It’s 9:00 so I need to go to work. I take my hoverboard to get to work. I dig the foundations of wind turbines.
Once I finish work I get on my hoverboard and go to the beach to where the weekly litter gather is taking place.
I finish gathering litter and return home to bed.