Alex Granato

  • Free ferry travel is coming soon to young islanders under 22!

    Free ferry travel is coming soon to young islanders under 22!

    The Young Islanders Network was thrilled to see the latest news about the expansion of the National Ferry Travel Scheme, which will mean the extension of free ferry travel to all young people under 22 in the Western Isles, Inner Hebrides and Northern Isles. Many young islanders have shared that travel costs can be a…

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  • Young Islanders receive response on deer management question

    Young Islanders receive response on deer management question

    At the Young Islanders Network breakfast with Deputy First Minister John Swinney, young people raised some concerns about the deer population in the Outer Hebrides. Mr Swinney promised to follow up on the issue with NatureScot, who oversees deer control in Scotland. Their response to the Young Islanders Network is included below and a copy…

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  • Young Islanders Attend Downing Street Coronation Lunch

    Young Islanders Attend Downing Street Coronation Lunch

    (Picture: The Prime Minister poses outside Downing Street with (L-R) Naomi, Maimie and Kaydence) Young islanders from Lewis and Orkney travelled to London for a coronation event with the Prime Minister. This past weekend, the Young Islanders Network sent young representatives Maimie and Kaydence to London to take part in the national consortium at UK Youth…

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  • New survey opens for former Western Isles students

    New survey opens for former Western Isles students

    If you are aged 18-25 and have been educated in the Western Isles, either in Gaelic or English medium education, CNES is keen to hear about your experience of Gaelic both in school and the community.  Please complete the survey below. It should take approx. 5-6 mins. Ma tha thu eadar 18-25, ‘s gun…

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  • Young Leaders from Raasay Attend Climate Workshop in Sweden

    Young Leaders from Raasay Attend Climate Workshop in Sweden

    Last month, as part of a UK/Sweden youth-to-youth knowledge exchange programme, two young leaders from Raasay travelled to Stockholm to discuss and represent the Young Islanders Network and the Carbon Neutral Islands project at an international Climate Leaders workshop.  Successfully selected from a pool of highly qualified and interesting young applicants, delegates Tom Lusink and…

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