
  • From Barra to Oban

    From Barra to Oban

    Young Islander Anna tells us about her residential experience Meeting other young people was a great opportunity to see who shares the same worries and problems about the islands. It was nice to find out more about other Scottish islands and what is there to do and what life is like for other young people.…

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  • YIN Champions meet up in person at Scaladale Residential this summer!

    YIN Champions meet up in person at Scaladale Residential this summer!

    Naomi Macdonald, Youth Scotland Senior Development Worker for the Young Islanders Network During the summer holidays, 9 Young Islander Champions met up for a residential break at the Scaladale Outdoor Center on the Isle of Harris for an epic 3 days full of free workshops and activities – this was a fab opportunity for YIN…

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  • Message in a Bottle Isle of Tiree

    Message in a Bottle Isle of Tiree

    Life in 2040 – Alasdair, Tiree High School It’s the year 2040 global warming has stopped, I am 31 and the world is a different place. We get all our electricity from wind turbines, Hydro-Power and Solar panels. Greta Thuburg got a job since the world turned around and now we are back to normal,…

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