
  • Carbon Neutral Islands Competition!

    Carbon Neutral Islands Competition!

    Find out more below about how you could be in with a chance to win 2 tickets, travel and accommodation to attend the amazing All Energy event in Glasgow on the 10-1th May 2023. Terms and conditions: 1.  There is no financial exchange for this prize.2. Participants must be able to travel to Glasgow and…

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  • Hebrides-Barbados: Youth Exchange Opportunity

    Hebrides-Barbados: Youth Exchange Opportunity

    Naomi Macdonald, Senior development worker, at Youth Scotland The University of St Andrews in collaboration with the West Harris Trust is looking for three young people from the Hebrides, aged 16 – 25 years, who are interested in heritage and climate change, as well as finding solutions to the challenges that island communities face to…

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  • From Barra to Oban

    From Barra to Oban

    Young Islander Anna tells us about her residential experience Meeting other young people was a great opportunity to see who shares the same worries and problems about the islands. It was nice to find out more about other Scottish islands and what is there to do and what life is like for other young people.…

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  • New friends at Big Ideas Weekend!

    New friends at Big Ideas Weekend!

    Maria, YIN champion The trip up was amazing, I got a lift there with Naomi and Scott and it was really fun. It took us a couple hours to get there as we had to get a ferry and then drive for several hours so we spent most of Friday travelling. When I first got…

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  • YIN Champions meet up in person at Scaladale Residential this summer!

    YIN Champions meet up in person at Scaladale Residential this summer!

    Naomi Macdonald, Youth Scotland Senior Development Worker for the Young Islanders Network During the summer holidays, 9 Young Islander Champions met up for a residential break at the Scaladale Outdoor Center on the Isle of Harris for an epic 3 days full of free workshops and activities – this was a fab opportunity for YIN…

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  • HebCelt was back with style for 2022!

    HebCelt was back with style for 2022!

    Naomi Macdonald, Youth Scotland Senior Development Worker for the Young Islanders Network After a 2-year hiatus from the full-scale event, all the HebCelt volunteers and organisers were finally able to meet in person, and it was magical to see all the island talent in one place of celebration again! We got started on the Tuesday…

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  • Youth Scotland’s Big Ideas Weekend!

    Youth Scotland’s Big Ideas Weekend!

    Kaydence, 18, YIN champion from the Community Learning and Development Orkney group I am a Young Islander and on the 27th & 28th of August I got to attend the Youth Scotland Big Ideas Weekend as a member of the Young Islanders Network, it was amazing, and I would love to share my experience with…

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